Glow meet
A social event hosted at Somerset House, where guests meet, create and share experiences about their skin condition. Guests paint their marks and flareups on their bodies, which under UV lights ‘glow’ and become the exhibits.
Glow Create
Fun tasks and activities guests interact with during the event related to their skin. Guests can complete these activities alongside fellow guests to build friendships or family members.
Glow Share
Guests are encouraged to share their ‘glow’ and experiences at the event. This will help filter through negative social media content and highlight to a variety of audiences that Glow helps people to improve their skin confidence.
Glow Brand
Advertising material promoting Glow shows the location of the event. The branding uses neon yellow to reflect Glow’s positive outlook. The print material (banner, leaflet, map) contains UV inks that glow in the dark.